Saturday, September 08, 2012

belgrave hub, investigations begin

Me, consulting in Belgrave for the Belgrave Town
Centre Study, some of these findings will help inform
the current investigations into a community hub for
It's great to be able to let you know that investigations are underway into the feasibility of a community hub for Belgrave.

The Yarra Ranges Community Policy and associated strategies identified the need for a community centre in the area. Community Hubs are a great way to meet community expectations about accessibility, quality facilities, sustainability and integrated service delivery.

The reports identified what myself and residents already know, that the existing community facilities in Belgrave are of a poor standard, that is of course putting aside the Belgrave Library which is a wonderful facility.

Further work is required to identify the location and services required so Council had employed architects H20 to investigate these options.

We'll be talking to the community and service providers in coming months as the project progresses.

I'm looking forward to discussions with our community to find out what they see as our needs and solutions.

We’ve had some great feedback from other areas of the Yarra Ranges where community hubs have been constructed and I look forward to seeing the results of the Feasibility Study as a stepping stone to getting a hub in Belgrave.

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