Sunday, July 29, 2012

southern dandenongs community nursery in good hands

SDCN President Garrique Pergl, Malcolm
Legg - Zoologist and Cr Samantha Dunn at
SDCN recent AGM.
It's always a delight to attend local AGMs, it's there where you see community passion in action. The AGM for the Southern Dandenongs Community Nursery was no exception.

The SDCN organised for Malcolm Legg, Zoologist to speak about is experiences with feral animal control. Malcolm talked about the importance of weed eradication and pest animal control as both keys to halt species decline and althought there's been a lot of focus on weeds there hasn't been the same on feral animals.

It was a fascinating talk and certainly engaged the huge turn out the AGM.

When it came to election time, you couldn't hold back the enthusiasm. Seven people put up their hand for the general membership, a terrific response. I'm pleased to report that the committee 2012 are:

President: Garrique Pergl
Treasurer: Rhonda Adams
Secretary/Public Officer: Michael Butler
General Members:
Ian Rainbow
Carolyn Mann
Adam Kloppenberg
Anton Pergl
Robert Pergl
Leslie Wilson
Paul Birch.

Congratulations to all of you. Your dedication to growing indigenous plants for the people of the Dandenongs is inspiring.

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