save sylvia creek

We were there to show our objection to logging in this region, specifically Sylvia Creek, the coupes know as Freddo (297-826-0002) and Gun Barrel (297-526-0001). Over 100 people were in attendance, a show of real commitment given the chilly, wet conditions.
Yarra Ranges has had a long history of opposing logging in the Shire of Yarra Ranges. In 2007 we opposed logging in Melbourne's water catchments, in 2010 we opposed logging in the Toolangi region because of its impact on tourism, the local economy and environment and this year we signed the Ethical Paper Pledge, pledging to only purchase copy paper with no native forest content.

This year council also submitted to the VicForests Timber Release Plan (TRP) to outline our concerns about the proposed logging in the region. It has been disappointing to learn that none of the issues raised by the Shire of Yarra Ranges have been taken into consideration by VicForests or the DSE.
In relation to the logging of this particular area council raised a number of issues, specifically around the protection of threatened species habitat.
Council is aware of the extensive impact of the 2009 bushfires on habitat required by threatened species. Coupled with the loss of habitat through logging operations over past decades, there is increasingly less area of suitable habitat for threatened species, including the state's faunal emblem, the Leadbeater's Possum.

The impact of past logging and the 2009 bushfires has also resulted in a reduced area available for logging, potentially bringing the commercial needs of VicForests into more direct competition for habitat required for threatened species.
Council is keen to ensure that all Special Protection Zone (SPZ) areas are adequately conserved and protected. Council believes this should include avoiding logging operations immediately adjacent to SPZ areas to avoid accidental over logging and unexpected impacts from regeneration burns on habitat critical to the survival of threatened species.
As part of our TRP submission council sought assurances that no new coupes would be granted that have any potential to destroy SPZ forest, or any areas of Leadbeater's Possums' Permanent Reserve System, or other areas previously set aside to secure/conserve forest biodiversity. We haven't had a response to these specific concerns as yet from VicForests, the DSE or the Minister, but given the logging coupe visited today overlaps an SPZ area, I'm certain there's not going to be any consideration of this or the threatened species who call this forest home.

Council does not support logging of these Sylvia Creek coupes, 297-826-0002 (Freddo) and 297-526-0001 (Gun Barrell), amongst a long list of other coupes that threaten forest biodiversity and species on the brink of extinction.

Labels: cr jeanette mcrae, cr samantha dunn, logging, shire of yarra ranges, sylvia creek, toolangi
Copy of Yarra Ranges speeches here:
And preliminary
Regards Michael
Michael this is certainly not directed at you.
I often receive offensive comments whenever I post a story about logging, I will no longer be publishing offensive comments on my blog in relation to this or any published stories.
I have alerted readers to this fact on the front page.
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