Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Bracks' Labour Government lets our community down

Thonemans Road logging site in Hoddles Creek

20% Sawlog, 55% Pulpwood, 25% Firewood,
99 Hectares

VCAT says this is okay, why does our system allow this to happen? Because of the lack of weight given to local planning policies.

Goodbye to rare and/or endangered species - this is our State Planning Scheme letting us down. Where is the value to our community? Only a "proportion" of Mountain Ash Sawlog will be transported to Powelltown (in the Shire), the remainder going to Geelong and Gippsland for pulpwood.

The Shire recognises the conservation values of the area, but the Bracks' Labour Government doesn't.

This article appeared in the Upper Yarra Mail (19/09/06)


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